Monday 15 January 2018


A day blanketed and then not, the eerie silence of Broadway with pockets of bearded diners waiting for an orange vinyl booth and chicken waffles, yellow tape marking off in a crudely childish manner a perimeter without clear rhythm, sky opening up like a March hare chased down and devoured by a wolf sun,  a banner lying flat in an empty parking lot questioning "why does a single gun shot shut down Broadway but the cries of women fall on deaf ears?", a point has been made perhaps but not for the fifteen year old suburban kid coming into town with his family on a Saturday night looking out at his version of wonder this the big city when a stray bullet somehow pierces his body after entering the car body, a real shooting gallery unlike the gaming kind that his folks might have said no way to, too violent and aggressive, not how to live and just plain offensive, all down the road from the old Lee Building on the corner of Main and Broadway, in Mount Pleasant after a hauntingly beautiful day by the sea.

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